Eco Practices
• Our baskets are made from a fast growing reed grass called “la peuk.” This particular grass grows through out Cambodia. Because we believe in sustainable harvest, we leave enough of the natural grass to ensure it’s return the following year, but also take enough to help manage the land it’s growing on.
• The raw materials are all organic, free of pesticides and herbicides.
• None of BOC raw materials are subject to artificial irrigation instead, they depend completely on the seasonal rains.
• When dying the grass reed for our purses, we filter all runoff wtare so this does not go into the local river systems. We do the best we can to source natural non-toxic dyes, currently produced in Thailand.
• In 2005 BOC stopped using all Styrofoam products at any events we sponsor or in our work locations. That same year we stopped using all personal water bottles. We now rely on large 5 gallon refillable containers of filtered water and the use of reusable cups and actual dinnerware (styrofoam/ small plastic bottles not allowed)..
• The United States BOC shipping operation makes a point to predominantly rely on reused boxes and packing materials when sending out products. Boxes that are not suitable for reuse are recycled. Additionally in the office, we have a strong recycling program for the paper and plastics that we do consume.
• Our product itself is woven with strength to last a lifetime, resulting in less waste and garbage and ultimately a smaller carbon footprint.
• Most of BOC basketry is transported by bicycle before it is actually packed to be shipped overseas.
• Though shipping by air would be the quickest means of transporting our merchandise, at BOC we instead fill 40’ containers and ship overseas. While not a 100% carbon neutral method, this significantly reduces its carbon footprint caused from product transportation.
• Many of our weavers commute to work by bicycles or small motorbikes, and in general only travel a small distance to reach Baskets of Cambodia operations. The longest commutes are in our basketry regions where occasionally workers will commute by bicycle or moto up to 12 miles each way, but typically much less.
• The designs themselves are not only unique in style and appearance, but are also designed to maximize shipping space. Our baskets are all 100% nested to fit inside of one another or stack perfectly inside of one another.
Product Disposal:
Prior to Baskets of Cambodia purchasing the weaving Facility, manufacturers would often not take precautions when disposing of dye. Often, the non-toxic dyes would be dumped and allowed to seep into the soil. When BOC stepped in, we sought out assistance from the German Development Agency, GTZ, who helped to train and install new techniques for proper waster disposal. BOC has even further developed GTZ’s initial system, by utilizing an above ground charcoal filter system to filter the dyes and contain waste material.
Developing Goals:
Though we were a founding member of fair trade practices in Cambodia, working then with a local Mennonite group, Baskets of Cambodia is not currently a member of any fair trade organization. I have come to the conclusion that fair trade needs verifiable metrics in an atmosphere of transparency. Fair trade should be a trade off. Locations of fair trade operation should be public. It is easy to know the wages for any company in the United States. Why is it not as easy within the claims of fair trade? How can we trade off the welfare of our workers and at the same time try and control all access to their production? Fair trade is not fair unless the curtain is pulled back. Companies often do not want to provide this information because they are afraid it may give competitors a edge to compete or poach workers or product, or in some cases becauses the wages may not live up to standards even locally. We believe the best approach is a proactive one - doing what is best to keep loyal workers - by paying them market wages and competing up front on this basis. That is what is best for the workers! Our goal at BOC is to treat all our workers fairly enough that we always remain their first choice! And if ever we market based on 'fair trade practices' , the workers should get a bonus from any higher prices that accrue. Also the fairest situation is the one that is most transparent as that guarantees a more sincere incentive for fair trade practices. We have a goal at BOC that everyone has a voice and is treated fairly. Quality is really the only boss and quality standards are applied equally. But we also provide open access to all our workers who appreciate the creativity and freedom that comes from working with us vs the local factories. We know we have to do a good job and pay fairly to keep our workers who are the best of the best.
Fair Trade Practices:
We have been upholding (and encouraging others to uphold) Fair Trade principles since we began in 1996, well before 'fair trade' was well known. We constantly strive towards creating long lasting local economies with the help of our ideas and practices. Some principles that we continue to uphold:
• Transparency in all aspects of our business: We are truly an open book. The places our products are manufactured are open to any visitors that wish to visit the facilities. If you don't find what you are looking for on our website (or in person), please call or email us. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
• A decent wage: Our workers are paid a minimum of $2.50 per day, twice the going rate for the most marginal of crafts. In addition we provide various benefits to employees with special needs.
• Safe and open working conditions: As a Fair Trade Member, humanitarians, and environmental stewards, we are committed to the safety of the people who work with us, as well as the environment our production effects.
• Health insurance - We subsidize emergency health care for emergencies and are currently investigating the government sponsored health care programs for all those who work with us.
• Dental Hygiene education and care: Periodic classes on the importance of dental hygienge are conducted with the help of local dentists.
• Interest-free loans for emergencies .
• Paid time off for full time employees as well as company vacations. BOC honors all government holidays- up to 25 days per year.