Pon Yeun

A few weeks after she finished cutting the rice she asked her parent for permission to find a job in Phnom Penh. When she arrived in Phnom Penh she imagined working in a factory. Her relative in Phnom Penh let her know one lady that ‘always’ finds the people work, but she needs to be paid $130 before they get the job. Yeun gave her permission to find her a job and paid $130.
Miss Pon Yeun said a whole group of people gave money to this lady because she promises they will get the job for two months later, but unfortunately when she gave that money to that lady she never got information from her. She waited for that lady to call her for 7 months until she realized she was cheated by that lady. She can not do anything. She only worried about the money because she had borrowed it from her relative. With no work she cannot give back to her relative but she not hopeless.
She kept looking for a job until she met a motorcycle taxi driver (motodop) who told her about one company name (Baskets of Cambodia) just open to teach sewing the purse from the tatami mats and have office to stay in Russey Keo Village, free for teaching and free for sewing machine so she comes and started to work until now. She still works for this company. She like to work with this company because at least she can earn money 100 $ per month in maximum and 80$ in minimum. She can take all this money that come from her labor to give back to her relative and save some more to help her family.