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Toep Lakana

Toep Lakana, female, 20 years old. Before she works with us she has embroidered the clothes to sell at the market, she could earn money from 10$ to 15 $ per week (embroidery cloth costs 8$). Because of not enough work she decided to find a new job in garment factory. She spent only one year with this new job, she could earn 40$/month with around 10$ for overtime until 10.00pm.

Everyday she worked hard, anyway her house is far from the factory that makes her meet the difficulty with travel when she worked for overtime, because the streets are not safe at night. So she could not tolerate with this job. After that, because of having some experiences with sewing skill and needs of our company, we allowed her to try to sew the purse. After 2 months of training she had become a good purse maker.

With our company, she can earn with a minimum income of 70$ per month during slow times. Also, with the busy time she can get 100$/month or more. Currently, she is very interest(ed)ing with this job because it is a liberal job, no enforcement, working as much or as little as she wants. “It is a very big change and a big difference from the past because I can earn more money and it is easier than before, no enforcement, I do what I can,” she said.